Device Response Time Monitoring and Statistics

Get a simple and hassle-free way to periodically ping every single device and collect Round Trip Delay (RTD) and Packet Loss statistics from the Domotz Agent to the device itself.

You can easily access real-time and historical data for your entire device list - helping you quickly resolve and troubleshoot network issues.

Device List

Receive Alerts on Device Response Time

Driveaway Camera

Configure alerts to receive a notification if certain thresholds based on Packet Loss percentage or media RTD metrics are breached.

Initiate Real-time Pings

Initiate Real Time Pings

It is possible to ping a device in real time. Initiate an immediate request to capture a "burst" of pings to a specific device. Data will be captured in real-time in a graphical form. This allows you to debug device and network connectivity issues proactively and in real-time.

Ready to Get Started?

  • Uncover Network Blind Spots
  • Resolve Issues Faster and Easier
  • Exceed Service Delivery Expectations